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General Milk Supply Support
Whether you had a dip in milk supply or you're building your freezer stash, we’ve got you covered.
While all our breastfeeding supplements are formulated to support milk supply, we recommend these options for general supply support:
Lack of Breast Size
Did your breasts not grow a cup size during pregnancy, do you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) or insufficient glandular tissue (breast hypoplasia), or have you had breast surgery?
The two products below both contain the herb, goat's rue, which is helpful in building mammary tissue. We recommended trying one of them:
Fenugreek Free Options
Are you sensitive to fenugreek? Looking for breastfeeding supplements without this herb? We have many fenugreek-free lactation supplements to choose from!
Fenugreek is a popular herbal option for breastfeeding moms, but many mamas are sensitive to fenugreek.
Whether you have a thyroid condition or a sensitive stomach, we recommend trying one of our fenugreek-free products:
Delivered Prematurely
Have you delivered your baby prior to 37 weeks gestation?
We recommend trying one of these:
Relactating or Adoptive Feeding
Are you trying to induce lactation for an adopted baby or bring back a previous milk supply? Many moms find it helpful to use a product containing goat's rue when feeding an adoptive baby or looking to relactate.
We recommend one of the following: