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Motherlove achieves silver status as a green business!

Motherlove achieves silver status as a green business!

We are happy to report progress on our journey to becoming an even more green business!

Last year we told you that we've been working toward improved sustainability here at Motherlove. Being good stewards of the earth has always been one of our central goals, but when we moved to Fort Collins last year we had the opportunity to join the ClimateWise initiative and bring our green practices to a new level.

The City of Fort Collins' ClimateWise program is a voluntary initiative helping local businesses reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting waste reduction, energy savings, alternative transportation, and water conservation. Participating businesses receive technical assessments and ongoing support, public recognition, and employee education. ClimateWise awards businesses levels (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum) representing their progress in reducing their footprint.

Our goal for 2014 was to achieve silver status. And we're happy to report that we did it!

Now we're looking forward. For 2015 we are hoping to achieve the gold or maybe even platinum level. To start, we're targeting our employee transportation to work. We're promoting biking and carpooling to work, and will be giving employees a prize at the end of March for those who bike and carpool to work the most.

We also just received an assessment of our building's energy efficiency from the City of Fort Collins, and will be working on items we can improve. When we moved in to our new facility we immediately made improvements to lower our carbon footprint, like installing energy efficient lighting and motion sensors. We're now working on planning for a major solar installation in the summer.

Thanks for joining us on our ClimateWise journey! We'll keep you updated on our efforts to make Motherlove the greenest business it can be.

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